Tapas y Fondos 24/04/2024


Another busy comics week. I’ve been to Spain and back. A visit to see Pat and Lisa Mills up in the Spanish mountain kingdoms. Much chatting a drinking was had. A big shout to both of them. Always an absolutely inspiring time had.

Pat was very kind and gifted me with a couple of foreign language books. Just look at those dudes in France making comics! The book, a celebration of Metal Hurlant travels through it’s 1978-1987 period highlighting the talent that worked at the magazine. A real treat to read.

Pat also gifted me a foreign language version of one of the volumes of Requiem: Vampire Knight and I got a cheeky look at upcoming releases. Oh, and I got soundly beaten at table tennis by everyone and their cat!

We also recorded a cheeky interview that fitted right in with the new ACP’s episode about 2000AD. You can have a listen here. I investigate with his creator the inner workings of Hammerstein and we find out who Pat’s favourite A.B.C. Warrior is to write. We also have Su from the brilliant and upcoming Lawless Festival in for a catch up. Have a look at the site as they have a guest list to die for.

In other news!

A big thanks to everyone who has backed the new Tribute Press (Very) Graphic Novel ‘Flesh & Ink’ by myself and Adam Falp. This is a redrawn representation of a series few saw on our Patreon during lockdown. It follows the story of a Comic Company that is situated in the offices above a strip club. What happens when Satanists kidnap one of the girls? We also prove without any doubt that it is possible to turn the Dead into the Walking Dead by doing a sex wee on them!

You can back this project by clicking on this!

So, back to the task at hand. It’ll be a brief one as I have to finish a column I am writing for a new US Magazine. More about that hopefully soon.


After chatting to Pat and Lisa about this series I had to go and reread the first few volumes. Look at that cover!!!

The combination of Olivier Ledroit’s super-detailed art and visual imagination is joined with the deeply considered and otherworldly writing from Pat genuinely is like nothing else you will ever see. Gob smacking page after page.

There is a merging of Metal Hurlant and 2000AD throughout. It occurred to me whilst reading it that this is what we could get from the Megazine, maybe one day? Differently transgressive and such a visual feast. Too much may blow your eyeballs out! Highly recommended without reservation.


I finally got round to reading this as it has been sitting in the old Cloud storage for a while. I’m normally a fan of the writer but the art just made me press delete.

I really don’t understand how a page that clearly uses some kind of computer fancy-ma-funkiness has to look so indistinct and blurry? And also lacking any actual character.

Bring back Sal I say!

Many thanks for reading and adios.

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